Caller Demographics
Between 01/04/2019 and 30/11/2019 there were a total of 187 cases created by the Sikh Helpline. The figures in this section relate to the first call that resulted in case creation and do not account for any subsequent calls regarding the same case.
Over half the callers were Male callers accounted for 54% of call to Sikh Helpline.
Age was not captured for 25 callers. For the calls where age is available, it shows that almost a third of calls (31%) were from callers over 35, the second highest category is ages 25-35, accounting for 24%.
As seen in figure 1, there number of male and female callers in the 13-18 and 19-25 age groups is identical, with one more female caller than male in the 25-35 age group. There were more male callers over the age of 35.
Geographical Locations
Caller location is captured at the initial contact. Two callers have not disclosed a location, while none have chosen to give their location as United Kingdom.
For all remaining callers, those within England have been broken down by Region, while the country is given for others.
60% of the callers were from the West Midlands (37%) and London (23%). Figure 2 on the left shows a breakdown of locations.
Eight percent of calls were from outside the UK, with India making up the majority of these (5%).
Caller Categories & Call Rates
67% of victims of abuse were female.
The majority of cases related to victims aged 25 and over, accounting for 45% of all cases. 67% of female victims were in this age group.
Where age has been recorded, callers in the 0-12 age group were male.
Secondary categories have been recorded for each case to help identify the types of abuse. The top three categories were:
Family (20.41%), Alcohol (18.37%) and Sexual Abuse (10.20%). These three sub categories account for almost half of all cases related to Abuse.
Mental Health
55% of mental health related cases (logged) were male subjects.
The majority of subjects were in 25 and over, accounting for 70% of all subjects.
17.5% of female subjects were in the 25-35 age category compared 15% of males.
In the over 35 category 20% of subjects were male compared to 17.5% females.
Secondary categories have been recorded for each case to help identify the key drivers.
The top three categories were Depression (15%), Family (15%) and Anxiety (10%).
Substance Addiction Abuse
96% of subjects in Sikh Helpline cases in relation to Substance addiction and abuse issues were male.
The majority of cases had subjects over the age of 35, accounting for 53% of all subjects.
Secondary categories have been recorded for each call to help identify the types of key drivers. The top three categories were Alcohol (65%), Drugs (8%) and Drug Related (8%).
Secondary categories recorded for logged calls
Secondary categories have been recorded for each case to help identify the key drivers.
The top three categories were:
Depression (15%),
Family (15%)
Anxiety (10%).
These three sub categories account for over a third of cases related to Mental Health issues. The chart below gives a breakdown of all sub categories.