Grooming Awareness Campaign 2013
With the recent High profile sexual abuse cases related to street grooming gangs the Sikh Helpline is launching a “Grooming Awareness Campaign”. We are aiming to reach as many young people and family members as possible and make them aware of the dangers of street and online grooming. We are aiming to do this by providing information , creating multimedia resources, and encouraging family members and young people to discuss these issues openly so that there is fewer young people vulnerable to these malicious gangs. You can help us by reading the information, sharing it with others, doing a presentation in your local area and above all speaking to young members of your own family so they can be aware.
As Sikhs we beleive in a saying from our scriptures “treat other women as your mothers, sisters and daughters accordingly” So it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of young girls regardless of their race, religion or colour as they are also someone’s daughter or sister.
What is Street Grooming?
Street grooming refers to the deliberate befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child in preperation for sexual activity or exploitation. It can also involve the use of gifts, alcohol and drugs to lower the childs inhibitions. The children are then pimped out and blackmailed with naked photos or threats of violence towards family members.
Why is it hard to recognise?
Victims often dont realise that they are victims of sexual exploitation until its too late. Victims often form an emotional bond or beleive they are in a relationship with their abusers. Emotional blackmail, threats to family members and and abusers control over the victims lead to them never reporting incidents of abuse and suffering in silence.
Awareness Tools
The following tools have been prepared to enable you to raise awareness, please feel free to download and share. TOOLS WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON
- Awareness Leaflet
- Presentation
- Awareness video
- Online Safetly Checklist
Other Resources
Here are other great resources that you an tap into to raise awareness.
- Awareness Leaflet
- Presentation
- Awareness video
- Online Safetly Checklist