Deeply troubled by her father’s betrayal

A Journey of Faith and Healing

The daughter reached out to Sikh Helpline, deeply troubled by her father’s betrayal where he decides to cheat on mom. While the actions of her father initially shattered her emotionally and spiritually, she sought guidance not only to find peace for herself but also to support her mother, who was in great need of comfort. Together, they turned to their faith, looking for strength and answers in the teachings of the Gurus.

With SHL’s compassionate guidance, both mother and daughter were introduced to Gurbani quotes and the deep wisdom of the Gurus, helping them to understand and helping them in this situation. They realised that no one can escape the consequences of their actions, while sorting out the father’s betrayal action, both mom and daughter hoping to find refuge and grace in God’s will.

Through this spiritual journey, the daughter’s faith in the Guru deepened. She embraced the teachings fully, enrolling her entire family in Gurbani classes. This became a turning point, transforming their pain into spiritual growth and unity. Both mother and daughter were uplifted by the Ardass (prayer) that was performed by Sikh Helpline during the call, bringing them peace and hope.

Grateful for the continuous support provided by Sikh Helpline, the mother and daughter found solace in the check-in calls, which kept them connected and nurtured their healing process. With a renewed sense of purpose, they are now walking a path of faith, supported by their spiritual community and the wisdom of the Gurus.