Over the last two weekends, The Sikh Helpline Yorkshire Team along with Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Bradford, have been host to a 2 part Cyber Awareness & Safeguarding Workshop presented by West Yorkshire Police. The Sikh Helpline Yorkshire Team were instrumental in forging a link with WY Police and organising this event for the benefit of teenagers and parents of our community.
Sikh Helpline Yorkshire Team have been liaising with the police for the last 3 months to get this event organised via our links and volunteers who work closely with the police in their day to day jobs. Each of the workshops lasted approximately 1 hour long and were designed to be interactive, whilst at the same time being informative. Approximately 50 teenagers and parents attended each event.
The Cyber Awareness session gave a broad overview of the virtual world and the dangers that can be encountered. For example phishing scams, the different websites out there and the dark-side of the web.
The Cyber Safeguarding session dispelled common stereotypes of grooming and how technology can be used to groom vulnerable members of the community. Following on from this success, we are hopeful to hold the workshops in other Gurdwaras in Bradford and West Yorkshire. PCSO?s Izac and Stephen are also willing to accompany us on visits to deliver cyber awareness to families in their homes. This is a great resource for SHL Yorkshire to use in future cases and preventative work.