Sikh Helpline Callers: At a boarding school, there was a pupil who was the only Sikh student and he wore a Dastaar (turban). Unlike other schools, students at boarding schools…
View More Bullied at Boarding SchoolCategory: Bullying and Discrimination
Introduction to Bullying and Discrimination
If you or someone that you know is being bullied or discriminated against, there are ways to make it stop.
Bullying is unwanted, hurtful behaviour towards an individual by one or more person, it can be repeated time and time again. Bullying can be physical, verbal, indirect and also cyber. Being bullied can seriously affect an individual?s physical, emotional, academic and social well-being. Many sufferers of bullying lack confidence, feel bad about themselves, have few friends and spend a lot of time alone.
Discrimination is similar to bullying but is where a person or particular group of people are treated differently because of their skin colour, religion, gender etc. Particularly in a disadvantage way compared to the way in which other people are being treated.
If you are worried that you or a friend or family member is suffering from bullying or discrimination, it is important to get help. Talking to the Sikh Helpline can help to give you a better understanding of the problem and how to best deal with it. We can help you to by supporting you and you getting you in touch with the right agencies.
Talking to the Sikh Helpline can help to give you a better understanding of the problem and how to best deal with it. We can help by supporting you and getting you in touch with the right agencies. The Sikh Helpline is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help and you can contact us anytime.
“Bullying in schools is a growing problem nationwide. You don’t have to suffer in silence if you are being bullied. If you are a parent of a child who is being bullied, take action now. The Sikh Helpline has handled several cases with sucessful outcomes. Contact us if you need help.”
Call Our 24-hours Hotlines: 0799900 4363 or 0845 644 0704
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