Grooming Awareness Campaign 2016
Sikh Helpline The storyline will follow the traditional sense of new first year university student who starts to fall for a guy through presents and fake love before becoming emotionally & physically got trapped as a sex slave and something much more sinister and how people are vulnerable to grooming and will also provide valuable information to those would be victims.
With the recent High profile sexual abuse cases related to street grooming gangs the Sikh Helpline is launching a “Grooming Awareness Campaign”. We are aiming to reach as many young people and family members as possible and make them aware of the dangers of street and online grooming. We are aiming to do this by providing information , creating multimedia resources, and encouraging family members and young people to discuss these issues openly so that there is fewer young people vulnerable to these malicious gangs. You can help us by reading the information, sharing it with others, doing a presentation in your local area and above all speaking to young members of your own family so they can be aware.
If you would simply like to donate, you can do so by any of the following options:
a) Donate online at
b) Donate via text; Text GURU13 ?10 to 70070
c) Donate via cheque; payable toSikh Helpline
Please post donations to:
Sikh Helpline, 86 Birmingham St, Oldbury, B69 4EB